I can conclude that those countries native english speaking never grew up, some have the same mentality as in the Far West, same attitudes, same criminal behaviors, same society and philosophy. Others are adolescents that do not want to take responsibilities, vicious, spoiled and arrogant, completely ego centered, unable to see the other as an incentive to grow, to get better.
And the other third think they are God blessed so that give them the right to life and death even in the business.
And all of this is so sick, or better, DEEPly S(EE)icK!
Great post! Txs a lot.
I can conclude that those countries native english speaking never grew up, some have the same mentality as in the Far West, same attitudes, same criminal behaviors, same society and philosophy. Others are adolescents that do not want to take responsibilities, vicious, spoiled and arrogant, completely ego centered, unable to see the other as an incentive to grow, to get better.
And the other third think they are God blessed so that give them the right to life and death even in the business.
And all of this is so sick, or better, DEEPly S(EE)icK!