Sep 18Liked by CriticalResist (Crit)

I appreciate you pointing out the hand of 'the master' here. It is obvious, it says so much about the world we live in, but I haven't seen it mentioned much. Maybe because Israel is so hateable, which is why people focus on it. But as you say, without the US they'd be nothing.

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Thanks, I didn't mention it in the article but shell companies are also a favorite of the CIA, guess where Mossad got it from. In the 60s they set up Crypto AG in Switzerland which provided cryptography services to several governments. Years later it was revealed, after much speculation was already cemented, that Crypto was a CIA front.

Same with the NED (but this one's boring because they admit to it) which is from the State Dept, and Radio Free Europe/Radio Free Asia. They also set up companies to sell drugs in South America during the Iran Contra affairs obviously.

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